

发布:星期二, 04/14/2015 - 03:27

2015年4月13日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --一直以来,普通民众对医学领域的关注通常仅限于生物医药领域。提起罗氏、辉瑞、诺华或阿斯利康等生物制药巨头我们一般人都耳熟能详,然而对于医学产业大家庭中的另一成员--医疗器械,许多人的认知还停留在许多年前。


最近,有一项调查显示,亚洲地区(日本市场份额未计算在内)的医药器械市场在未来几年将出现井喷态势。据预测,2017年医疗器械市场份额将达到150亿美元之多,而就在2012年这一数字仅为20亿美元左右。著名市场调查公司Research and Markets通过调查指出在未来数年内,亚洲生物医疗器械市场每年增长的速度将超过10%方能满足亚洲市场对医疗器械日益庞大的需求。

Research and Markets是在调查了亚洲排名前一百的医药器械公司业务趋势后作出的这一预测。除此之外,Research and Markets公司还专门分析了印度、日本和韩国这三个主要的医疗器械市场。其中日本市场是仅次于美国的全球第二大医疗器械市场。





A survey of the top 100 makers of medical devices in Asia indicates the industry will reach the $15 billion mark in 2017, a huge leap from a market of just $2 billion in 2012.

In addition to the top 100, Research and Markets also focused individually on the device markets in India, Japan and South Korea, all three major ones. Japan, in fact, has the second largest in the world, behind only the United States.

As for Asia, the research company said the overall device market was growing by more than 10% a year to meet the demand driven by higher incomes and living standards in several of the leading countries on the continent.

In Japan, the device market is expected to increase by a compound annual growth rate of 2.9%, its value rising from $30.2 billion just two years ago to $34.9 billion in 2018.

South Korea has Asia's third largest market for devices, behind Japan and China, but is expected to expand by a compound rate of 7.7% by 2018, up from $5.1 billion in 2013.

India has one of the globe's 20 largest device markets despite a per capita spending rate of less than $3 for the products. The industry's value has suffered because of the depreciation of the rupee, the national currency, but in actual growth terms is expected to be one of the world's fastest growing over the next 5 years.

标签: 亚太地区 医疗器械